my boys

my boys

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Kentucky Horse Park

The first night of our "across country trip" we stopped at a campground called the Kentucky Horse Park. We really loved this campground, and wish we could of stayed longer. It think this is typically used for people attending a derby. It is definitely geared toward horse owners. It was fairly empty for us, and was perfect.
 It was still daylight when we arrived, so we took the boys geocaching. If you haven't heard of geocaching you really need to look into it. Its pretty much a scavenger hunt, all over the country. People have hidden little containers, some with items in it and some with just logs to sign. Read this post my my aunt-in-love (Matt's aunt-but pretty sure Ive stolen her ;) Pig Tails and Boxer Shorts, she describes it pretty well. We have been geocaching for a few years and the boys LOVE it. They are EVERYWHERE.... many in our small hometown.

 As it got dark, we grilled some hotdogs and the boys ran around catching lightening bugs. Maybe I am just missing them, but I have never seen them in South Georgia. I can remember catching them growing up in Iowa, so I'm thrilled the boys got that experience.

Also Brayden lost a tooth somewhere while driving in Kentucky. Cant wait to here him tell the story later, about losing a tooth in Kentucky. 

Next Stop Des Moines, IA- by way of Elmwood, IL :)

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