my boys

my boys

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Camping take 2

With the less than perfect execution of our last camping attempt, we knew we had to make a second go of it.  Bought a new tent, packed up, and headed out on a friday night, after Matt got off of work. We headed back to Seminoe State Park. The last weekend we came it was pretty busy, this weekend there were only two other campsite occupied. I was a little worried I had missed some bad weather coming or something. But nope, we had great weather.

The new tent is a quick set up tent. The poles are attached and it takes about 2 min to put it up.....AMAZING!! Plus these tent companies have gotten really smart. The directions are sewn into the bag, aka you can't lose them, genius!

I must admit,  the first time I had lists, and menus and everything I could think of. This time we kind of just winged it. The result, I forgot a lot of things. Plastic spoons were the ONLY utensils I brought. So I had to cook and eat with plastic spoons.... I also had this great plan to make peach cobbler with one of those simple recipes (peaches, cake mix, sprite). That didn't work out so good, since the cake mix was left on the counter at home. Everything worked out fine though, but next time I will revert back to my lists.

The boys did some fishing.....

Matt even caught his first Rainbow Trout, or maybe its just a Trout.... Well I don't know, but he was pretty excited about it. Something about it fought really hard! (fishing isn't my thing ;))

Matthew did some Kayaking. That boy loves to kayak.

And we sat around a fire. The boys attempted to start one with a stone and axe, didn't work out so good.

Fun night. The plan is to head a few hours away for our next camping trip.

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